Saturday, December 10, 2011

Signs from Above

 The use of English in Taiwan today is much better than it was 20 years ago when I first came here.  I still remember  a young man  pulling up next to me on his motorcycle, revving his engine and driving a way with the words "Sissy Boy" embroidered on the back of his cool leather jacket.  I have a picture too of the"F*#K" pool hall in Taichung City, though I shall refrain from posting it.  Today things are a bit better, but sometimes efforts to put Chinese words into English still go awry
....  Like the "Sin Bin" Police Station in Kaohsiung...2 minutes for hooking!!!

Or even worse the scenic spot of Shi Ti Ling....made the mistake of putting those three characters together into one word.....much to our don't look

Even ads that play on Chinese words can get a bit risque ...

Bird in Chinese is another word for .....well you can figure it out....Even a stroll down the street can be good for a laugh

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