Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Modern Restaurant

On September 18th we were visiting the city of Taichung about 2 hours south of Taipei.  Hsiu-ling's niece Mimi took us to the Modern Toilet Restaurant.  It's a crazy bathroom themed restaurant...All the seats are...well ...seats,  and the tables are bathtubs with glass tabletops..  Even the food comes in mini johns and urinals.....  The food was only fair but it was worth the marginal  food for the pictures.  Take a look

The Eagle Has Landed

We've been here a whole month and a half and only now do we have the time to start things like this blog.  Indeed our car is not even here yet...hopefully tomorrow!!  There are lots of new routines for all of us.  The most challenging has been getting up at 0530 to walk Lucy and walking her 3-4 times a day....Boy do I miss my yard and my dog door.!!!  We have a nice fairly large 3 bedroom apartment which is now filled with our own possessions, giving it a more homey feel.  I think everyone is having a bit of trouble adjusting.  Aileen says her school is not as fun as the Villa and she definitely misses her Villa pals.   She brought home a question the other day asking about F381-F243...I thought darn are they teaching Algebra in the 5th Grade....Turns out it was the British Pound sign!! Just shows adjusting to new European schools and the like will take time.  Hsiu sure misses her Tzu-Chi school pals with whom she can hala until all ours.  Still day by day we're getting things squared away and developing new friends will come ...Will share our adventure at the Modern Toilet Restaurant in our next edition
The View West Towards Down Town

The View North Towards Yang Ming Mountain